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USC Shoah Foundation Testimony: Nowy Dwor by Morton Knecht

Morton Knecht gives his testimony to the USC Shoah Foundation
Morton Knecht (1926-2002) gives his testimony to the USC Shoah Foundation on life before WWII in Nowy Dwor Maz. and during the war in Russia.

As part of the the Steven Spielberg USC Shoah Foundation Testimonies, Morton Knecht, a survivor from Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, was interviewed on January 20, 1995.

The video is broken down into 3 parts for a total viewing time of approximately 2:15.

Part 1 (approx. 1 hour) – please note there is a brief pause at 31 minute mark and again at the 1:10 mark.  Continues a few seconds later
Part 2 (approx. 1 hour) – please note there is a brief pause at 23 minute mark.  Continues a few seconds later. It stops at the 53 mark mark.
Part 3 (approx. 12 minutes) Summation, the final journey fleeing Russia and eventually to Canada. Includes life in the DP Camp  Poking.